International Committee
for Museums and Collections
of Decorative Arts and Design

ICOM Prague 2022 Call for Posters Open

June 14, 2022

The Call for Posters for ICOM Prague 2022 is open! Submissions close June 25, 2022, with the final decision made in July. International Committees can select up to 30 posters, so be sure to apply! Click here to apply or read below for a guide on how to submit your abstract. 

UPDATE: CFP and travel grant deadlines extended to April 10!

March 30, 2022

The Call for Papers for the ICDAD and joint ICDAD/Costume/Glass sessions at the ICOM General Conference in Prague has been extended! The new date is April 10, 2022. Please submit your proposals through the official ICOM Prague portal, which you can find here: https://guarant.eu/icom2022/committee-meetings/index.php?coo=1

The deadline to apply for an ICDAD travel grant to the General Conference has also been postponed! The new deadline is April 10 as well. Please visit https://icom-icdad.org/grants for information on how to apply. 

Conference Archive

CFP: "Power of Collecting," ICDAD sessions at Prague 2022 General Conference, due 31 March

March 2, 2022

The call for papers for ICDAD's individual sessions and joint session (with ICOM Glass and Costume) at the Prague 2022 General Conference is now open! ICDAD's sessions will be held on 22, 23, and 25 August, in both hybrid and in-person-only settings. We welcome session papers that address the power of collecting as a formative or transformational force within decorative arts and design collections. The deadline for submission is 31 March 2022. 

The full CFP is below: 

Letters from the Board

ICOM Statement Concerning the Russian Invasion Into Ukraine

March 1, 2022

ICDAD supports the International Council of Museums' (ICOM) statement on the situation in Ukraine. Click here for the statement, or read below:

Letters from the Board

Deadline extended: Apply for an ICDAD Grant!

February 8, 2022

Deadline for application is now February 28, 2022.

ICDAD is offering two grants, each with a maximum award amount of 1000 euros each, for a variety of activities. Individual and institutional members of ICDAD are welcome to apply, and collaborations with ICOM national or regional groups, international committees, or other partners are encouraged. 

Proposed projects should fit into the following categories: 

  • conferences, trainings, and meetings
  • publications and research activities
  • activities for young members
  • programs encouraging exchange with emerging countries
  • cooperation with other ICOM committees and/or Regional Alliances

Please download the application form here (as Word document or PDF document).